How To Pay?

We accept payments through Stripe, a secure payments processor. In order to place an order please follow the below steps.

1. Checkout: Start by going to your cart and clicking on "Checkout."

2. Address and Contact: Provide your shipping, billing addresses, and contact info.

3. Credit Card: In the credit card section, you'll find a test card pre-filled. Or fill in 4242424242424242, 10/24, 424. It's in test mode. Don't worry. You'll enter your actual card info later through a link in the confirmation email.

4. Place Order: Confirm your order and wait for an order confirmation email.

5. Confirmation Email: Open the email, note your order total and number. Click on the Stripe link provided.

6. Stripe Payment: Follow the link, fill out the required fields, and submit payment.

7. Receipt and Tracking: You'll receive an email from Square confirming payment and a fulfillment email with tracking details the next business day.

Due to the nature of our products, we currently keep the payment processing and website separate. Please contact us with any questions. Thanks for your support!